Monday, June 14, 2010

Chapter 1-5

Hello ladies! I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed the first 5 chapters of The Watson's Go to Birmingham. I have found several situations in which I could see myself, or that I have even been part of as I am reading the book. I have come up with the following questions for discussion:

  1. In Chapter 1, C.P. Curtis gives us a description of the family and where they are living. What sort of conclusions can you draw about the family's lifestyle and status?
  2. In Chapter 2, it has become obvious that Byron is a bully. Describe what a bully is to you. What kind of background do you see bully's having? Compare your description with that of Byron.
  3. Chapter 3: Peer pressure is easy to get sucked into. How did Kenneth get sucked into it and how could he have handled the situation differently?
  4. Chapter 4 was a hilarious chapter! What was going through your mind during the scene when Kenneth and Byron went out to clean the windows on the Brown Bomber?
  5. In Chapter 5, why do you think Mrs. Watson handled the situation with Byron the way she did? How would you have handled it differently if it were you in her shoes?

These are just to get the discussion started. Because I made up the questions, I will be answering last since I already have a set answer to them. I want to see what you guys come up with, so I will post Tuesday evening before printing. Also, let me know what you think of the questions. If you have any that you would like to add, feel free!


  1. I think that there are several instances within the book that show us that the Watson children are quite a bit better off than the rest of the children they come in contact with, based on the clothes they wear and the lunches their momma provides. In the beginning the lack of heat makes them appear to be less than well off but compared ot the other characters thus far they are well to do.
    Byron is a bully in my eyes because he pushes the other children around. We some of his bullying when he is trying to help his brother out with Larry but then we watch as Byron goes to far. The book describes how Byron has been held back possibly several times, this may be a root cause for his bullying.
    I felt really bad for Keny when he laughed at Rufus and Cody because it was a difficult situation for him to be in especially after he had been the one bullied for such a long time and he knew how that felt. I was glad he was able to apologize to his friends and mend the relationship.
    I could not stop thinking of the Christmas story movie when reading about Byron getting his lips stuck to the sideview window on the brown bomber, I thought what karmic justive for the little stinker.
    I think that the momma wanted to show Byron how dangerous matches really could be by giving him a taste of what burning felt like, she had been traumatixed in her lifetime by her own own being burned down so there was a deep seeded angst about the house burning, also in those days that type of punishment was deemed acceptable. Nowadays we would probably see if the volunteer fire department or red cross could let our kid volunteer to help out families who had lost their homes to fire to see the devistation it causes

  2. Well, it is as late on Tuesday as I can wait, LOL Here is what I thought.
    In the beginning, you can tell that the family struggles to make big repairs to the home and that they do not fancy materialistic things. They base their lives around family instead. It never says what Mr. Watson does for a living, but whatever it is must be good enough to make the family comfortable. They definitely have enough money to cloth and feed all the children (and later in the book, others as well).

    I have always had my own vision of the life of a bully. I figured that bullies are the way they are because they get bullied at home. I found out with Byron that this was not the way it was. I agree with you Colleen, perhaps it was his being held back that did it.

    Kenneth laughing at Rufus was a sad moment. The author depicted the issues surrounding peer pressure so well during the bus scene. As first, I didn't realize that Rufus would get upset, becuause I kind of got tangled into the web as well. I think that maybe Kenneth's denial on being Rufus' friend had a lot to do with it. Previous to the ocurrance, Kenneth was talking about being happy that Rufus was the one getting picked on all the time. I think that maybe Kenneth did not yet charish the friendship that they had.

    Colleen, I pictured the exact same thing as you did. Totally reminded me of "The Christmas Story" scene. I loved this chapter. I loved how the author used Kenneths' thought process to make it suspenseful. Like you Colleen, I felt a little vindictive tingle, finally By got what he deserved!

    I loved the way Mrs. Watson handled the situation with Byron and the matches. It is not like she didn't warn him. The only disapointment is that she didn't follow through. Her not following through with what she said she was going to do seemed to be part of Byron's issue. He can pretty much get away with things with his mom. It is not until Mr. Watson gets involved that the consequences are enforced!

  3. This book it too cute. I am really enjoying it. Thank you Tanya for picking it.

    1) In the first chapter I assumed that the family was poor since they were all huddled together to stay warm, and their car was on it's very last leg. After getting through the first 5 chapters I have changed my assumption to them being just under middle class. When the dad, Daniel, couldn't get the land lord on the phone the we can see the cold was an issue of maintenance instead of a lack of money.

    2)Bullies to me are anyone who inflicts physical or psychological pain on someone else. It is my understanding that bullies bully people because they have low self esteem, and picking on others makes them feel better about themselves. I would agree with with Colleen and Tanya that Byron bullies because he feels insecure since he was held back in school.

    3)Peer pressure has happened to us all, so in this chapter I felt bad for Kenny. When he was on the bus he got moved by the crowd and laughed at his friend. I agree with Tanya that part of it was that he didn't realize yet that they were friends. I was glad when Kenny did realize that Rufus was the best friend he ever had and he tried to fix the situation. I also really liked that he finished his apology to Rufus even after Rufus told him it was no big deal. That showed the character growing up.

    4)In my book that I got Byron gets his lips stuck on the mirror in chapter 1. I agree the situation was hillarious. At first when reading he was frozen on the mirror I assumed it was his tongue but it being his lips made it so much funnier. I loved how the dad was laughing the whole time. I liked how Kenny helped his brother out even though he was fully aware that his brother would take advantage of the situation if it was Kenny stuck on the mirror. Chapter 4 in my book was about how Kenny and Joetta hate getting bundled up to go out in the cold. I thought it was sweet to hear a protector side of Byron when he reminds Kenny of who would strip him of all his coats when Kenny was younger. The story of Southern people having thinner blood so if they weren't careful they did actually freeze in the cold was very creative. Byron does have one great imagination.

    5) I understand her reasoning of why she would burn Byron but I wouldn't be able to burn Elizabeth. I would probably set one of her toys on fire (in a controlled environment) to show her what can happen if there actually was a fire. I do have and objection to Tanya, I think the mom had every intention of following through but it is hard to burn someone when you have a little girl constantly blowing out the matches.

  4. Hello fellow classmates,
    Sorry for posting a little late, I finally found the book. Here go my answers:

    1. The Watsons seem to be renting a two story home. It sounds like they have a lot of the comforts of life considering it was the early sixties. Why do I say this, because I remember growing up in the sixties and celebrating the arrival of a black and white television. By 1963 I think color televisions were already in use. Calling the landlord to complain about the heat led me to believe the landlord was'nt doing his/her part. Still, they lived a good life, considering the time and events that took place in America and the Civil Rights movements in the 60's.

    2. A bully to me is someone who teases or makes fun of you in front of others. I dont they are born this way, I think they develop this attitude for different reasons. Peer pressure, disrespect, fear and maybe mockery.

    3. Ok, I had mixed emotions for Kenny in the bus scene where he laughed at his friend Rufus. I was laughing at Rufus and couldnt help but wonder how would I hide my emotions? Maybe he should have kept looking forward or warned Rufus to ignore the teasing. Im a sucker for underdogs!

    4. Did I miss something here, my chapter four does'nt speak of the Brown Bomber, the chapter is titled "Froze Up Southern Folks" where Joey and Kenneth complain to their mom about wearing all the winter jackets and their brother tells them the story of the trash collectors. Are we following the same book? Maybe different editions? Any Who. . . I loved the chapter.

    5. Mrs. Watsons was trying to prove a point, get some respect and teach the children a life long lesson. It seems By was a strong willed child and was mischievous to say the least, maybe mom felt she had to prove her point once and for all. I love her style.
